12. Second moment of area, No.12 Acrylic on canvas 130 x 170 cm.jpg


At the end of 2020, I began work on this series. During that time, I was preoccupied with finding a place to live alone and a place to work. I was dizzy from scurrying through the announcements of second-hand properties, but it was enjoyable. Seeing a variety of living spaces all furnished with emptiness piqued my interest. It reminded me of how the previous tenant’s family used to live, and it made me wonder: Where do they eat? Did they have any pets? As a result, it caused me to reflect about my prior life.
I bought a modest sized townhouse in early 2021 and decided to relocate there. Being able to sit in solitude made me feel strange, but it also allowed me to realize the house’s limitless dreams and possibilities. I could have been afraid because of what I couldn’t see but I find myself pondering on the flow of vast emptiness. There is no better moment for “anima” to finally emerge out of the blue.
The meaning of “anima” may take you to the meaning of life, emotions, or the soul. Carl Jung, the famed Swiss psychiatrist, defines “anima” as the feminine aspect of a man’s nature. However, in my opinion, the word “anima” is a reduction of the last letter from the word “animal”, making the phrase appear simple yet profound and sounding gentle to the ears.
Another thing I want to remember is that the day I’m sitting here writing this was most likely the conclusion of the Covid-19 crisis (hopefully). Coincidentally, I was making paintings of homes at the time, and that made me feel the term “home” very deeply. I hope we will soon be able to go outside and take a breath of fresh air like we used to.
Niam Mawornkanong


Joyman Gallery


357-359 Mahachai Rd.,

Samranrat, Phra Nakhon,


My Youth is Yours exhibition showcases the dreamy stories of precious youth narrated through 13 oil paintings with gentle brushstrokes by Thai artist Tarntara Sudaduang, exhibited at Joyman Gallery 


Niam Mawornkanong

Surachai Mawornkanong. also known as Niam Mawornkanong, is an established Thai artist specializing in intricate painting that often projects a quality reminiscent of well-assembled oil works. He used his art to captivate audiences’ attention then set them free to explore their own subconsciousness.

Though possessing degrees in philosophy and fine art, the majority of his technique is self-taught and compliments the fact that he is colorblind. His work also displays a versatile vision ranging between abstract principles and realistic portraiture.
